Ladies who lunch – Café Britannia
“So what delightful venue have you got for us today,” asked Alice. “Norwich Prison,” said I. Alice looked dubious, but we set off on the drive to Norwich while I told her what I...
review, restaurant, lunch“So what delightful venue have you got for us today,” asked Alice. “Norwich Prison,” said I. Alice looked dubious, but we set off on the drive to Norwich while I told her what I...
review, restaurant, lunchTHIS ISSUE WE LOVE Norfolk Year Round Walks James LowenCountryside Books£8.99 These 20 circular walks, varying in length from 2 to 7 miles, take in renowned beauty spots, hidden gems and must-sees from across...
review, books, regional reads, jarroldsAlice and I pulled into the car park and surveyed the place. A quaint 16th-century white party tent is permanently situated within the grounds for parties, weddings and other occasions, such as the Summer...
pub, pudding, review, restaurant, lunch, pastaJill Wright shares her experience of researching WWI history in Mulbarton and provides some advice for people who want to do the same in their village. Many villages have been busy in 2014-18 trying...
world war 1, medals, roll of honour, honour, war, review, historyIn 2014, a community of dog walkers, wildlife watchers and anglers heard rumours that Falcon Meadow near Bungay was to be sold at auction. But, as one member of the community tells us, they...
review, wildlifeThere is a reason it’s called the 1066 – the Chequers pub is on the A1066 road from Diss to Thetford. It is a busy road and it is very easy to swoosh straight...
pub, cheescake, fish, tuna, sponge pudding, review, restaurant, lunchTHIS ISSUE WE LOVE Timecruiser Chris Crowther £4.95 A Norfolk Broads holiday goes awry for Max, Jenny and Faru when they turn up to the most rundown boatyard on the Broads to find their...
review, books, regional reads, jarroldsTHIS ISSUE WE LOVE Birds in Norfolk: A National and International Perspective James McCallum and Andy Brown Langford Press £50.00 Birds in Norfolk is a celebration of Norfolk’s birdlife. It is written by Andy...
regional reads, jarrolds, review, booksLadies who Lunch wanted a change from the usual restaurant review… something outdoors perhaps? So we decided to have a picnic party with a difference. No soggy tomato sandwiches and warm Pimms. Just beautifully...
afternoon tea, review, restaurant, lunch, picnic