Star Throwers Garden Party

  • Date: Sat 10th Aug 2019
  • Time: 11:00 am
  • Location: Star Throwers Centre / Melton Road / Wymondham / NR18 0AD
  • Contact: Victoria Pigg / / 01953 423304

Join us at our annual Garden Party – this year to be held on Saturday 10th August and promising to be better than ever to celebrate our 10th anniversary year! Already confirmed Bollywood Dancing and Pyjama Drama.
11am – 2pm. All welcome!

To be held in the gardens of the Star Throwers Centre: 30 Melton Road, Wymondham, NR18 0DB.

Garden Games
Pimms Tent
Raffle & Tombola

£2 per adult
£1 per child

(Suggested donation – includes free hot drink or squash)

To book a stall or donate or a raffle/tombola prize call 01953 423304 or email