Norfolk Plant Heritage – Plant Fair

  • Date: Sun 5th May 2019
  • Time: 10:00 am
  • Location: Hethersett Village Hall, Back Lane, Hethersett. NR9 3JJ
  • Contact: Kathy Gray / 07880 556928 /

Many of our once loved garden plants are quietly vanishing forever. We keep rare plants growing…

As plants fall out of fashion or are superseded, vital genetic traits could simply vanish, unless they are taken into care and shared with others. If the expertise to grow and propagate them is also lost, our ability to properly conserve our unique garden flora is placed under significant threat.

The Norfolk Plant Heritage Group ( is committed to encouraging its members to grow historic, unusual and threatened plants, to share plants with other members, to help preserve genetic material and biodiversity and to ensure a rich horticultural environment for future generations: conservation through cultivation.