Edwardian Sunday

  • Date: Sun 8th Sep 2019
  • Time: 10:00 am
  • Location: The Old Rectory / Great Melton
  • Contact: Eileen Pennington / 01603 810274 / eileen@periodweddings.plus.com

Once again Canon Loose, his family and servants invite you to The Rectory to catch up with the latest events in his household as they struggle to maintain standards with an increasingly limited income.

This year, the Edwardian Sunday School is holding its anniversary service in the church. Come and join in with the singing of hymns your grandmother sang.

10 am – Coffee available in the church
10:30am Sunday School Service
12-1pm- Light lunch available at The Old Rectory
1-5pm -Tours of the house, garden and stables to meet the family

Admission: £5 (school age children free) in aid of
Gt Melton Church Loos
Enquiries: Eileen Pennington 01603810274
The Old Rectory,
Burdock lane,
Gt Melton, NR9 3BN