An Evening with Jane Hoggar ‘My Life as a Bluebell Girl’

  • Date: Sat 27th Apr 2024
  • Time: 7:00 pm
  • Location: Shelfanger Village Hall
  • Contact: Keith Day: 07786 137076

Cabaret artiste, Can-Can dancer, singer, magician’s assistant, Mum, dinner-lady…you name it, Jane has had a go!

Throughout her life, Jane has managed to carve a career in entertainment. Her proudest moment has to be performing at the world famous Lido de Paris on the Champs Elysees for Miss Bluebell.

But it’s not always been an easy ride – Jane’s buoyant sense of humour has always helped see her through a few unexpected dramas.

Join Jane for a fun evening, to hear her story with a few songs and poems thrown in!

For more: